The most important thing between you and the fish-of-a-lifetime are your hooks, and the Gamakatsu Round Bend Treble Hooks have all the attributes you need. Crafted from forged steel to make them ultra sharp and strong, the Round Bend Trebles are perfectly engineered to penetrate quickly and hold on tight, while the fish tries to shake the lure free. Perfect for replacing the stock treble hooks on your crankbaits, ripbaits, and other hard baits, the Gamakatsu Round Bend Treble Hooks will help you get the maximum performance out of your lures and increase your odds of hooking and landing fish.
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Customer Reviews
GREAT hookI am old. Been fishing for a long time. This means I have refined what I use based on results, or lack of them. These trebles and the Owner ST-36s are the only replacement hooks I use any more. They are dangerous sharp. The only downfall is if you fish around rocks they will dull...but I think most hooks will. Buy these and upgrade your baits.