Designed to imitate an injured bait fish on the water's surface, the OSP Bent Minnow Topwater Walking Bait features a unique bent-body construction that triggers aggressive topwater strikes with erratic darting action. By varying your retrieve, the Bent Minnow mimics a variety of baitfish situations to provide anglers with superior versatility when the fish are keyed in on small bait.
When twitched softly, the Bent Minnow rests on the surface like a weakened baitfish, but when worked more aggressively with irregular left-to-right, or up-and-down action, it imitates a bursting shad fleeing from danger. Complete with highly detailed paint finishes and realistic color patterns, the OSP Bent Minnow Walking Bait is a unique topwater lure that deserves a place in every angler’s topwater arsenal.
OSP | Length | Weight | Class |
Bent Minnow 76 | 3" | 3/32oz | Floating |
Bent Minnow 86 | 3-2/5" | 1/5oz | Floating |
Previous Feedback
Comments: The OSP Bent Minnow is always out of stock, so I tried the Nomad Design Maverick. The Maverick is a great alternative. Suspending with a erratic action that is very simular to the Bent Minnow. This lure catches largemouth bass when nothing else will ! Tight Lines !
From: Anthony: Tahlequah, OK 6/26/23
Comments: I really, really like the OSP Bent Minnow because it imitates a dying bait fish on the surface, and just under the water. Fish it like a topwater (slow), or like a jerkbait (fast). When threadfin shad are present, throw the OSP Bent Minnow in size 86, but if glass minnows are around throw the smaller size 76. The best way I have found to catch fish with this lure is to target schools of forage on rip rap, or in the shallows around cover. Once the school is disturbed, toss the Bent Minnow to that exact spot. Usually, within a foot or two of twitching, the fish will strike. Customize by adding a spilt ring to the nose of the bait, and changing out the hooks to the Trapper Tackle Standard Round Bend Treble size 8 for (86), and size 10 for (76). Now the only way a fish can escape is by getting hung, or breaking the line. Ten pound braid cast effortlessly on spinning gear paired with a medium light action rod. This is a awesome fish catching lure ! Tight Lines !
From: Austin: Albuquerque, NM 12/19/21
Comments: I bought a couple of these in the 76 and 106. The 106 is pretty good, caught several nice fish on it. Now the 76 is a little piece of gold. Caught over 100 bass from 12 inches up to over 5 pounds in April. Change the clip that comes on the bait to a Decoy #1 egg snap, add about 10 inches of 12 or 15 pound line with a swivel connection to your main line, and the line doesn't fowl in the hooks. If a surge shad is your replacement for this, we are fishing for two different fish. A little bit expensive, but worth every single penny. Only thing that kills me, I didn't get one 10 years ago.
From: Unknown: Virginia 12/15/21
Comments: This topwater ,subsurface lure twist line and fouls on the center hook often. I have lost many fish pulling free from the hooks caught on the line. I have since replaced this bait with the Berkley Surge Shad Wake Bait and have had no problems, and better hook up ratios.
From: Unknown 5/16/20
Comments: I caught all species of marine life in California. From blue gill, crappie, trout, salmon, bass, striped bass, catfish, duck, seagulls and even a turtle. Put a feather hook on the back and see this lure produce. Worth every pennies! I call this lure Legendary Lure.
From: Lee: CA 1/9/17
Comments: This has quickly become one of my favorite lures. I have the 106 size and it catches bass. It has action different than any other topwater lure I have seen (or the bass have seen) and looks very fluid in the water. I recommend the 106 or larger for bass fishing.
From: Karlberg: Fort Collins, CO 78/10/16
Comments: This is a great lure. Let me start by first saying that you should definitely get the 106 to have good weight for casting. The imitation of dying minnow lying on the side even fools seagulls which had me constantly reeling it away from them. As for fishing it, it takes a minute to learn how to reproduce the same motions because this bait has like four different movements for jerking. I have only caught smallies and potbellies with this lure so far, no other species.
From: Paul: Grand Rapids, MI
Comments: Awesome bait borrow from friend of mine for while now IÕm hooked
From: Fishkiller01: Yonkers, NY
Comments: got mines recently... Heard all the hype about this lure and can't wait for Spring to give it a go..
From: hmongbass: Madison, WI
Comments: this is a DEADLY bait. the action that it produces in extremely erratic and natural looking. just think about looking into a river and seeing little minnows flashing and darting in the current, that is what this thing looks like. it will always be in my go-to box for sub surface reaction type baits.
From: Steve: NY,NY
Comments: I have at least 10of these, I cherish these lures, I even rinse them and dry them. Awesome action, I've caught trout, bass, and pickerel with them. They are definitely worth the money. Buy one, try one, buy more, you'll be hooked.
From: Jacob: Halifax, NS, Canada
Comments: I got this lure because I have a new-found appreciation for top water fishing. I made my purchase on September 27 and received it one the 29th. Since it's fall I got a chance to fish the river for smallmouth bass. On the third cast I got a nice hit and landed a nice 16 inch smallie, about 3 lbs. There were other smallies present chasing minnows, but I only had an hour of free time to fish. Although I never got another hit, just looking at the incredible action this lure produces was fun. It does take time to learn this lure to make it do certain movements, but I did not have any problems with it fouling. Also, I got the 86 Wakasagi. I preferred to have the 106 Crystal Blue Shiner, but it was backordered and I was impatient. The 86 is very light and doesn't cast far.
Comments: Great bait but does foul easy and take time to get use to.
From: James