Poor Boys Tubes have dominated the Great Lakes bass for years. Poor Boys Tubes are offered in natural hues and coloration that are ideal for clear water situations. With the invasion of gobies into the Great Lakes, the Poor Boys Tubes resemble this prey species that predatory fish have been gorging themselves on.
Length | Quantity |
4" | 20 |
More From Poor Boy's Baits
Customer Reviews
Tube and bighead comboI use the 4 inch Poorboys tube with a Bite Me 4/0 stupid tube jig head and have an amazing hook up ratio, and they draw tons of strikes......So it catches tons of fish. Small killer! Most of the greenish colors seem to work the most for me.
Previous Feedback
Comments: These Tubes go toe to toe with Strike King and Zoom's tubes and are a fraction of the price. Getting 20 quality tubes at that price point while also being extremely durable. Was on the water all day and only went through 3-4. Can't recommend enough, great bait!
From: Zach: Missouri 5/20/23
Comments: Slam smallies on this stuff constantly. Would recommend!
From: Adam: Niagara Falls ny 2/22/23
Comments: These tubes are great!! Mango Magic is great as well as Roofus Poop which TW doesn't carry. I use Oldham's Tube jigheads which TW NEEDS NEEDS NEEDS to carry but the Owner Tube hoook works well too. 10 lb CX Premium and Shimano Curado Med/Heavy Spinning rod do the trick. I dip the jig head in Smelly Jelly BEFORE inserting it into the tube; it slides in better and the scent lasts a long time.
From: Jamie: IN 8/1/22
Comments: I think these are one of the best tubes on the market with a wide selection of colors. Although I've been using these tubes for several years now and used to be able to purchase them for around 8 dollars and now they are 2 dollars more. These tubes are still a wonderful product and the durability has not changed over the years. I recommend these tubes to anyone as the smallmouth love them and they come in a pack of twenty.
From: Unknown: 6/26/18
Comments: Super durable, great color selection to match the hatch, and great value at 20 for $8. Killer smallmouth bait for Lake Erie and my local river. My favorite colors are Steve's Dream & green pumpkin.
From: Brian - Cleveland, OH 2/2/17
Comments: These tubes produce! Caught quite a few decent size smallies on a local flow yesterday. Never had to switch change the tube. great action and durability.
From: Aaron: Columbus, OH 8/3/15
Comments: I ordered a bag of these to try, now I own about half their colors. Really good feel to them. Very durable and tons of salt. These are an awesome bait for the price. And you get a ton of tubes per pack.
From: Andy: OR 3/15/15
Comments: Best tube I have ever used. When its a tough bite i break out poor boys baits and they work almost every time. Tubes, darters, wiggles, I haven't found a poor boys bait i didn't like yet. TW should carry more of their line.
From: John: Angola, IN
Comments: Quality product and well made. Purchased a few bags for a trip up to Lake St Clair. They held up well to all those smallies.
From: Scott
Comments: These tubes have won me over 60,000K, enough said
From: Brad: Franklin, IN
Comments: 20 tubes for under 7 bucks. Killer color selection. Soft yet durable. And fish beat these things up like they owe the fish money. In for the win...
From: Gasket: Southern New Jersey
Comments: Don't let the name fool you cuase it work great. Very durable and excellent action under water. 20 tube for 7 dollarish is a great deal.
From: Pao: Fresno, CA
Comments: Best Tubes out there in my opinion These tubes have a little thicker head to keep the hook in place for several hook ups.
From: John: Washington, PA