River2Sea was founded in 2003 and is based out of Central California. River2Sea uses the proven big bass waterways of the California Delta, Clear Lake and Lake Berryessa as testing grounds for all of their lures. They strive to be an innovative tackle company that creates lures with top fishing professionals that not only produce results, but are also affordable.
River2Sea Baits
River2Sea Lure Making & Customization
River2Sea Fishing Hooks, Weights & Terminal Tackle
River2Sea Fishing Apparel
River2Sea TW Exclusives
22 Colors
River2Sea S-Waver Glide Bait
168 TW Cali Hitch
Tackle Warehouse Exclusive
22 Colors
River2Sea S-Waver Glide Bait
200 TW Phantom Trout
Tackle Warehouse Exclusive