Whether you’re looking to modify your presentation or repair damages from aggressive top water explosions, the Teckel USA Sprinker Spare Tails are the exact tails that come stock with the Teckel USA Sprinker Frog. After extended use and multiple fish catches, the Sprinker Frog may suffer some wear and tear, but the Spare Tails are an inexpensive way to revitalize your Sprinker Frog to factory condition and infinitely extend its life. Made from super tough plastic, which provides enhanced durability, as well as, the Sprinker Frog’s signature plopping sound, they come in a four pack with one extra CPS spring. Available in a wide range of colors, the Teckel USA Sprinker Spare Tails will breath new life into your Teckel USA Sprinker Frog.
-4 Spare Tails
-1 CPS Spring
Previous Feedback
Comments: I like these frogs and the tails make a lot more noise then you think they would.
From: Tommie: Lafayette, LA 3/18/18